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Budget Webdesign Services Singapore may modify any of the terms and conditions contained within this Agreement and any policy or guideline incorporated by reference, at any time at its sole discretion and may also determine whether and when modifications apply to existing or future customers. All modifications take effect immediately upon their being posted on the Budget Webdesign Services Singapore Website (the “Site”). Budget Webdesign Services Singapore may post modifications to referenced policies and guidelines without notice to you. The Customer’s continued use of web hosting services following Budget Webdesign Services Singapore posting of modifications constitutes the Customer’s acceptance of the said modifications. Web Design Singapore | Custom Content Management System for Websites | Ecommerce Web Development Agency | WordPress Website Creation Solution | Wix Website Design Services | Shopify design system


  1. RENEWAL SERVICE. Upon expiry of the initial term, the subscription for the Service shall be automatically renewed for one further term on the same terms and conditions herein, unless Budget Webdesign Services Singapore or the Customer furnishes written notice to terminate the Service at least ONE (1) month prior to the expiry of the current term. The early termination of service will result in a 100% monthly charge for the remaining contract period being imposed on the Customer. Web Design Companies in Singapore | CMS Web Design and CMS Development Company | Ecommerce Website Design & Development Singapore | WordPress- Web Design & Content Management | Wix Web Expert | Best Wix Website Design Agency | Shopify eCommerce website
  2. ACCESS TO DATA CENTRE. The Customer shall assign up to ONE (1) technical contact to have 24 hour access to the data centre. This assigned technical contact can only bring one (1) guest into the data centre at any one time. No equipment shall be removed from the Data Centre without the Customer giving prior notice to Budget Webdesign Services Singapore and subsequently obtaining official permission/clearance from Budget Webdesign Services Singapore. Top Web Designers in Singapore | Web Content Management System | Best ECommerce Web Design Company in Singapore | Freelance WordPress Developers in Singapore | Hiring a Wix Professional | Custom Shopify Website Design Packages
  3. OWNERSHIP OF SERVER. Budget Webdesign Services Singapore acknowledges that the server is the property of the Customer and shall not at any time or under any circumstances declare that the server belongs to Budget Webdesign Services Singapore in order to secure loans, contracts or for any other purposes. The Customer understands that while every feasible precaution is taken by the Data Centre and by Budget Webdesign Services Singapore to safeguard the Customer’s property, the Customer must undertake the responsibility to separately insure the property placed at the Data Centre. While the Customer agrees to observe the termination clause provided herein in Clause 10, Budget Webdesign Services Singapore will also ensure that ample notice is given for the return of the server to the Customer if the service offered by Budget Webdesign Services Singapore is discontinued for any reason. If the Customer has not settled outstanding payments for more than three months, Budget Webdesign Services Singapore reserves the right to re-sell his server in order to settle the cost of the Customer’s back payment. An email notification will be sent to the Customer prior to the abovementioned re-sale. Web Design Singapore | Website Design & Development | Content Management System (CMS) Development Company | Ecommerce Website Singapore Design | WordPress Developer | Wix Web Design Services & Solutions | Shopify Website Design Packages & Prices
  4. BANDWIDTH / HIGH RESOURCE USERS. Customer understands that sites may be subject to network abuse and the usage of a large amount of resources. Any Customer who uses an inordinately high level of resources, or high bandwidth which adversely affects other customers and overall server performance, may have their site temporarily closed and Budget Webdesign Services Singapore shall contact the Customer to resolve the issue. Best Web Design Agencies in Singapore | Singapore Responsive Web Design Company | E-Commerce Website Design Agency in Singapore | WordPress Web Developer | Wix Web Design Agency Experts | Shopify Website Designers & Developers
  5. SERVICE LEVEL ASSURANCE. Budget Webdesign Services Singapore assures Customers of the following service standards and provisions:
    • 99% network availability and connection to your servers.
    • Each server is guaranteed minimum 5Mbps Internet Bandwidth, up to 100Mbps Shared Bandwidth* for Local/International Connections.
    • *Budget Webdesign Services Singapore reserve the rights to rate limit each server to 5Mbps bandwidth for constant or high bandwidth usage server.
    • For each One (1) Mbps (Megabit per second) Internet Bandwidth is charge at $80/per month.
    • At least 24 hours notice via email/announcement on website prior to any scheduled downtime.
    • Budget Webdesign Services Singapore’s network/technical support team will be on standby 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to resolve any problems.
  6. REBOOT SERVICE. A fee will be incurred for server reboot request at Equinix IDC. Smarthand service as per customer’s request is charged at $320/per hour, with a minimum of half an hour’s (30 minutes) block.
    Invoice will be issued upon completion of server reboot request. This service will only affect customer who co-located server at Malaysia Data Centre.
  7. SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE AND INCIDENCES OF DOWNTIME.Budget Webdesign Services Singapore will undertake utmost effort to provide services 24 hours a day, seven days a week, in line with standard industry practices and service levels. Subscriber acknowledges that from time to time the services may be inaccessible or inoperable for various reasons, due to periodic maintenance procedures or upgrades (“Scheduled Downtime”); or service malfunctions, and causes beyond Budget Webdesign Services Singapore’s control or which are not reasonably foreseeable by Budget Webdesign Services Singapore, including but not limited to the interruption or failure of telecommunications systems or digital transmission links, hostile network attacks, network congestion or other failures. Budget Webdesign Services Singapore will notify Customer in advance via email or update the announcement section of our website and will undertake every reasonable effort to minimize any other disruptions and/or inaccessibility arising from the inoperability of its web servers. Budget Webdesign Services Singapore will not assume responsibility for downtime arising directly from a user’s irresponsible actions. Web Design Agency in Singapore | CMS Website Development Company | E-commerce Website Development Services Singapore | WordPress Website Design & Development Company | Wix Development Services | Shopify Website Design and Development for ECommerce
  8. ILLEGAL MATERIAL. Customer shall not, in any way, use the services procured for the staging of any illegal, immoral or unethical acts. The hosting of, reference to or linking to any of the following material is not allowed:
    • Illegal Material: Includes Copyrighted Works, Commercial Audio, Video or Music files.
    • Adult Oriented Material: Includes Pornography, Obscenity, Erotic graphics/images, and Sex-related merchandise.
    • Warez: Includes Pirated Software, Hacking, Cracking, Hacker’s or Cracker’s aids/tools
    • Spamming: The sending of mass, unsolicited emails using our server is strictly prohibited.
    • The commercial distribution of MP3s, Music Files, Videos, Softwares or any other type of files which require the usage of an inordinately high amount of bandwidth is strictly prohibited.
    • Malicious acts against an individual/group.
    • Threatening acts against an individual/group.
    • The promotion of Online Gambling
    • The infringement of any applicable laws/regulations.
  9. CHANGE OF PARTICULARS. It shall be the responsibility of the Customer to notify Budget Webdesign Services Singapore in writing of any changes to the Customer’s personal particulars. Best Website Design and Development Companies | CMS Website Development Consulting And Services | Develop eCommerce Website Design | WordPress Website Builder | Custom Wix Design Service | Shopify Web Design Company
  10. PAYMENT TERMS. The Customer agrees to pay service fees and any other fees in full promptly. Penalties will be incurred and shall be levied for overdue accounts. Services provided by Budget Webdesign Services Singapore to the Customer may be suspended or terminated if fees are not paid in full by their due date. Budget Webdesign Services Singapore shall not be held responsible in any way for any server/website downtime, loss of data or damages incurred by the Customer arising from the disruption of service due to outstanding service fees. An administrative fee of $50 will be levied for re-activation of service. All fees inclusive of Government Tax. Our GST tax reference number: 200406609R.
    Budget Webdesign Services Singapore reserves the right to charge you reasonable “administrative fees” or processing fees” for (i) tasks perform outside the normal scope of its Services (ii) additional time and/or costs incur in providing its Services.
  11. CONTRACT BASIS. Payment shall be made in full and prior to the contract period. A renewal notice will be issued approximately two weeks prior to expiry of present service period for the following month’s service; subsequently followed by a final reminder one week prior to the expiry date of present service period if no response is received to date. Customer must make full payment before the due date indicated in the final renewal notice. If no response is received from client by the due date, we will assume that Customer wishes to discontinue his Hosting services/plan with Budget Webdesign Services Singapore. Hence, Customer’s account will be terminated anytime. All reminders to make payment will be sent via email only. Customer shall not hold Budget Webdesign Services Singapore accountable for non-receipt of renewal notifications if Customer has not periodically updated Budget Webdesign Services Singapore with mailing/email address changes. We reserve the right to impose an $50 administrative charge for re-activation of Customer’s service account. Top Development Company in SG | CMS Development | Custom Content Management System | Leading Website Design & Development Agency In SG | WordPress Website developer | Wix and Wix Studio Designer | Freelance Shopify Designers
  12. REFUND POLICY. We do not have a refund policy for Colocation services. Customers are required to subscribe to a minimum service period of one month if they wish to procure Budget Webdesign Services Singapore’s colocation services. Award-winning Web Design Team | CMS Development Services | Effective eCommerce Web Design | WordPress Website design | best wix agency for wix website design services | Shopify Website Design & eCommerce Development Service
  13. TERMINATION. Budget Webdesign Services Singapore reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to terminate the Customer’s access to any or all services at Budget Webdesign Services Singapore without prior notice for any reasons, including and without limitation, if Budget Webdesign Services Singapore believes that the Customer has violated this agreement. The Customer may terminate this agreement by providing one (1) month written notice to Budget Webdesign Services Singapore. No refunds will be provided. Upon the termination or expiration of this agreement, the Customer agrees to settle in full all outstanding, unpaid fees remaining. SG’s Leading Digital Agency | CMS Development Company | Ecommerce Web Development Company Singapore | WordPress Website development | Wix Website Singapore | Shopify Agency
  14. GOVERNING LAW. This agreement shall be governed by Malaysia law, including without limitation the provisions of the Malaysia Evidence Act (Chapter 97) and the Electronic Transactions Act (No 25. of 1998), and the Customer hereby agrees to submit to the jurisdiction of the Malaysia courts. Customers of Budget Webdesign Services Singapore are required to comply with all local laws and regulations
  15. DISCLAIMER. Budget Webdesign Services Singapore shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages, including but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data or other intangible losses (even if Budget Webdesign Services Singapore has been advised of the possibility of such damages prior to their occurrence), resulting from: (i) the use of or inability to use the Site; (ii) the cost of procurement of substitute goods or services resulting from any goods, data, information or services purchased or obtained or messages received or transactions entered into through or from the Site; (iii) unauthorized access to or alteration of Customer’s transmissions or data; (iv) statements or conduct of any third party on the Site; or (v) any other matter relating to the Site or the content thereon, including without limitation any user content posted thereon. In no event will Budget Webdesign Services Singapore be held liable for any damages in excess of one hundred Malaysia dollars (RM$100.00). Budget Webdesign Services Singapore reserves the right to revise or review its policies at any time. Top Web Design Companies in Singapore | Custom CMS Development Services | eCommerce Website Design Company in Singapore | WordPress Website design services | Wix Website Development Singapore | Shopify Custom Design Archives


If you have any questions or concerns relating to the above, please contact us.

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+65 6492 6783


We are passionate about what we do

With over 450 current live sites and 1,200 plus websites developed for a range of industries and verticals over the last 5 years, Budget Webdesign Services Singapore is amongst Singapores’s leading website development agencies in the domestic web domain.


52 UBI Avenue 3 #05-38 Frontier, Singapore 408867

+65 6492 6783 / +65 9693 5512

+65 9693 5512 (Business WhatsApp)


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Working Day: Monday – Saturday

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Budget Website Design